52nd Annual North Shore Music Festival & Workshops

February 18 to March 2, 2024

Deadline for registration: December 1, 2024 (Sunday) midnight

Participating teachers must register their students.

The Syllabus is available online at https://northshoremusicfestival.ca/

All Festival classes and the final concerts will be held at 

Gloria Dei Church, 1110 Gladwin Drive, North Vancouver, B.C.



Piano Noel McRobbie
Piano Sergei Saratovsky
Piano TBA
Strings Domagoj Ivanovic (violin),
Winds TBA
Vocal TBA
Guitar TBA

Final Concerts: 7:00 pm
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Sunday, March 2, 2025

Admission to the concerts (cash only, please):

Free: Children 5 and under, performers, and final concert volunteers
$5.00: Children 6 and up, students with valid I.D. Card, and NSRMTA members
$10.00 Adults and seniors

Advertise your business in the Festival Program Booklet:

  • Quarter page $65.00
  • Half page $100.00
  • Full page $165.00
  • Friends of the Festival $25.00

All ads are to be camera ready. Any changes from previous years are $5.00 extra.
Contact TBA

Diane Sanford (NSRMTA Liaison) 

Administrative Committee:

  • Diane Sanford
  • Tony Chotem
  • Kelly Nobles
  • Stanislava Deltcheva
  • Denise Killick
  • Tanis Mitchel
  • Ildiko Markus
  • Salvo Barrale
  • Tae Maeda
  • Tanis Mitchell
  • Alice Rada
  • Tatiana Tymoshenko
  • Dennis Tymoshenko
  • Yulia Sadovska